My English 2 Experience

      English is very important dialect or language nowadays, to make other people understands us. Because English is our second language and of course our mother tongue are first. We can’t spoke English if we don’t learn how to speak English, proper English. Education is one of this. Education is part on how to learn proper English. Teachers thought us since Elementary up till now in College on how to use English properly.

       College is very far in High School neither in Elementary, because High School and Elementary thought us the basic. But in College they will thought us for what they learn, the purpose of what they learn. They thought us to use it for our future. Because English has a big part in our future, especially in applying for works. We didn’t use our mother tongue to make resumes, and to make interviews and etc. We partly make it in English, that’s why English has big part in lives.

           One of this are my English 2 subject. At first it was so hard for me to take this subject because I know in myself that I am not good in English. I force myself to adjust, to listen and to study to conquer this subject. This is not an easy thing to do for me, but I really want to learn that’s why I’m doing these. I am thankful that all my journal got a signature from my instructor in English 2, Mr. Gianne Rensen R. Antonio. This signature is very important because it is one way of checking our works. I found things so hard, so challenging and so wonderful.

          Time came, my teacher decided that of his student shall do or join WordPress. It is so hard for me because I am not really that literate in using computer. I don’t have any idea of what wordpress is. I don’t even know how to join, do, or make an account in that website. My instructor made a decision of making our midterm examine word press. I was sad, worried and even disappointed that time. I feel like things were getting unfair especially to me that has no gadget to be used. I don’t even know how to use computer. But I need to do these things for these our requirements. I need to do this for me to know, to learn and to pass my English 2 subject.

       The semester is not yet over. But I’m very thankful to my instructor Mr. Gianne Rensen R. Antonio, for giving me an opportunity to explore in this kind of new world. To learn English and let us use the technology to make a blog here in wordpress to post of what we experienced, we learned, and what we think to make it accomplished. And I’m looking forward for more additional learning in this subject. And I do hope that at the end of this semester, my English speak and writing would be enhanced more and get better of it. So that I can use it to my future.

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